Pricing Overview & Limits

Here is an overview of the plans and features:

Price (Monthly)$0*$5$9$19
Credits per month1005001,0003,000
No Watermark✔️✔️✔️
Access to All Voices✔️✔️✔️
HD Video Quality✔️✔️
Output video resolution480p480p720p720p
Voice Quality🟡Good🟡Good🟢Best🟢Best
Custom Audio + Video✔️

* Limited availability.

Please note the following:

Usage Costs & Limits

Here is a breakdown of the costs and limits for each feature (per request):

Voice generation (audio only)1 credit per 20 characters1,000 characters max
Voice generation (audio + lipsync video)1 credit per 20 characters + 5 credits1,000 characters max
Custom Audio + Video20 credits per request- Max length: 2 minutes.
- Max 100MB upload size.

Other limits: